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“I love this intensive moist cream. It helps my wrinkles and skin tone. Thank you.”


“Wow~ it’s a really good skin gel . I’m using every night. My wrinkles are lighter. Also my face got very shiny. Thank you”


“It’s miracle product!!! My wrinkles and big pores are almost gone!! Omg!! I’m so lucky to have this product!!”


“So special ~ It’s a totally different than others. Great for whitening and firmming.”


“I use this every night when I see skin trouble. When I put really thick layer of this gel on top of the skin trouble, it usually gets smaller or disappear the next day. I highly highly recommend product.”


“It’s my best favorite moisture product forever. And my daughters are also very happy with this product.”


“This cream allows my skin stay moisturized for very long time and made my skin very soft and smooth!”


“Revitalizing, feel younger and People always compliments on I look younger than my age”


“I have used the rehydration gel for a long time, it’s my favorite to use at night.
The moisture cream makes my face feel really good, and it lasts for a long time.
I replaced shampoo with the hair and scalp cleanser, and I love it!”


“I believe everybody should get the treatment and education at least once in their life! Crystal was very helpful in teaching me about how my body works. I was very confused with improper knowledge, and she gave me clarity.”


“I’ve used the products and got treatment for 4years.
I’ve met my friend for the first time in 7years, and she told me that I look younger than 7years ago.
I’m so thankful to Crystal. My confidence and self-love greatly increased ever since I started this program.
She changed my life. My kids always tell me to go to her when I don’t.
I highly recommend meeting her and using her products.”


“Having gone to Gin Wellness has been a godsend. Before, I used to have chronic neck and back pain and always working at a desk, I had horrific posture. Going through this program, all my neck and back pain disappeared. People have started asking me whether I was always this tall because after going through the program, I fixed my posture and gained at least an inch! The best part of it all is that not only am I pain free, but I have so much more energy to focus on the things and people that matter in my life.

And to top it all off, Crystal is an amazing coach! She was able to guide me and educate me on how to continually maintain my physical, mental and emotional health at its optimal state!”

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Real Experiences

So now, I actually my posture, I hardly feeling a back pain and hardly feeling a neck pain, my posture has changed even this by sitting in an office desk. So ever since then, yea basically I’ve been pain free and I grew an inch. So that’s a bonus. Yea and I have a lot more energy ever since I went through the wellness program.

So, I’ve actually used cheaper products as well as very expensive, you know, brand products. And one of the things that I’ve noticed is that the differ between even those two was that it works for my sensitive skin. It’s really difficult to find something that works for your skin that kind of is able to hydrate your skin throughout the day without having to apply every 10 minutes. So literally just being able to apply morning and evening has seem to be able to sustain my skin care.

Yes and I have already. Actually, the products are amazing. So, a lot of my friends have had similar issues. And so they have asked me what I was using. So, I’ve been able to share what I’ve had and so they are all dying to use it.

Actually, I’ve never had to say anything. They are the ones that have approached me and asked me what I use. Just because they’ve noticed the change between before and now. So, I guess I’m just a walking product of it. So, I’ve never had to initiate it, ever. So, few of even my coworkers have approached me and asked me what I was doing differently because my skin was doing really well. And they were like “wow you look a lot younger.” Believe it or not, I had a lot more wrinkles even in a couple months ago. And so, a lot of them were really surprised that how my even my skin was turning. So when they asked I just told them “oh you know I just go and I’ve been using this product”. Luckily, I’ve been able to share what I had and they’re all just waiting.

So what’s really amazing about Crystal is her ability to be able to customize based on a client’s need. She never really goes.. You know a lot of people push products and a lot of people push services that for the layperson we just don’t know whether we actually need it or not. And so a lot of other kind of areas would push on products to you because you don’t know. Just like cars. Right? I don’t know enough about cars. So, they’ll just kinda tell you that your belts broken along with your breaks. So she really customizes it and she really keeps you on tasks which is something I haven’t seen before. Where a lot of companies they feel like once you receive your products you are done. But she actually contacts you on a regular basis just to see how you are doing. She customizes even some of the exercises you should be doing to maintain your health and wellness. She also looks over your diet and is able to kind of customize it based on kind of who you are and where you’re at. I really like that approach that she individualizes it for each person rather than gives you this cookie cutter, like “here I did the services, and you are done.” She is very high energy which is nice. It’s almost like going into a therapist session. So when you come out, you do feel a lot more rejuvenated, not just physically but mentally too.

I was overweight, try to lose weight, but I needed professional help. And I heard she does (tr: health & beauty) which is constitutional improvement. Like not only lose weight, but in healthy way from inside. So that was very interest(ing). So I wanted to do it that time.

In the beginning, I didn’t really follow Crystal’s guidelines because we build up habits for long time, eating habits and postures and all that. And it took me for a while. You can see 5 years ago and now; I do have line on face, and I lost about 10lbs. My eating habit is different, what is good food and bad food. So that’s the improvement, you live your daily life in healthy way.

Not only product, I introduce GIN Wellness. The experience that Crystal has, that she has skills. Actually, she understands human anatomy, inside and outside. She understands overall. With that understanding, she cannot apply one or two methods. Everybody. She modifies. Because she understands each person’s basic anatomy and then she fits those needed area to individual client. So I think that is very awesome. No other place can treat individually like that. So that’s very successful that she has superior experience in professional field.